Greenlight Networks Home Installation

Get Ready for Your Service!

To know what to expect during your Greenlight Networks installation, please make sure you have the following ready prior to your appointment:


  1. Make sure you have a router designed for fiber Internet speeds! You may need to swap out your existing cable router for a router that can handle the fast speeds of fiber Internet. View our router recommendations to see if your router meets our ultra-fast speeds.
  2. Set up your MyGreenlight Customer Portal Account. With a portal account, you can view your bill, opt-in for text messaging to receive notifications on maintenance or outages, view your bill, and contact support.
    • Login Information
      • Username: Primary email address for your account
      • Password: 10-digit phone number

Feel Free to Reach Out

We’re committed to providing you with exceptional customer service.


Thank you for allowing Greenlight Networks to give you the freedom to work, play, and live without limits.

We value you as a customer and look forward to serving you!